Wind Turbine Cooling System Assessment – Debris Detection and System Re-qualification - TM0002Tiziana Marrocco
Wind Turbine Connecting Rod – Materials of Construction and Failure Assessment - TM0001Tiziana Marrocco
Art, glass and the art of recycling: the use of eco-glass in the creative glass industryTiziana Marrocco
Designing tidal stream turbinesStephanie Ordóñez
Tidal energy for clean water productionStephanie Ordóñez
Evaluation of solar thermal vs solar PV for domestic applications in UKPaul Tuohy
Underground Thermal Storage Integration with Renewable Generation, Electricity Networks and District HeatingPaul Tuohy
Creating a probability model for the prediction of the number of impacts by raindrops and or hailMargaret Stack
Battery recycling – developing solutions for the recovery of minerals and materials of constructionFiona Sillars
A mechanical alternative to grout for offshore wind turbine foundationsFiona Sillars
Design of a small scale free piston Stirling engine solar concentration systemEdmondo Minisci
Can UK manufacturing go net-zero? CFD modelling of hydrogen fired furnaces for metals manufacturingBradley Wynne